
“If you are not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” – Malcolm X

How to Combat the Influence of Propaganda

It is easier to fool someone initially than it is to convince someone that they have been fooled by a false narrative.

People tend to gravitate to the first narrative they are exposed to, which is why censorship of counternarratives, and the truth, is such a high priority for the bad guys.

Keeping the above in mind, be open to changing your mind and be able to challenge your own premises.

When you or someone else presents an argument ask yourself, "this is based on what?" If you (or the other guy) cannot answer with something substantive and/or hopefully verifiable than you know something is up.

Propaganda techniques have been honed for decades and are often designed to appeal to your natural inclinations and sensitivities - if someone is inclined to believe it, they probably will, even if it is false.

As always, if your narrative matches that of the corporate media it is almost certainly a sign that you are making an error.

Lexis/Nexis Charts Reveal Corporate Media Spamming Terms as Racism, Social Justice, Trans, White Privilege, Exponentially Starting in 2012 - LINK.

False Narratives, Group Think, & Ideological Boxes - LINK.

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The best LIARS often tell the truth.

For example, those in line with the NIH funding coverup will tell you that the virus came from a bat and the idea that it came from a petri dish in a lab is nuts.

But what if it came from a bat in a lab?

Liars and propagandists often use binary thinking. They offer you a false choice A or B - when neither choice is accurate in its full context. They know that people tend to be binary thinkers.

Must see:
Dennis Prager: Is Oxford going to debate if Britain a greater threat to peace than Nazi Germany? What's next? 9/11 Freedom Pilots and ISIS Freedom Beheaders? - LINK.

The Wilkow Guide to Media Perception:

If you have spent time in Washington:

Conservative…you are part of the problem.

Liberal…you have experience.

If you don’t have time in Washington:

Conservative….you have no experience.

Liberal….you represent change.

If you have wealth:

Conservative …you are greedy and a cheat who had advantages in life.

Liberal…you are successful, and your life story is an inspiration.

If you don’t have wealth:

Conservative…you are low class.

Liberal…you are disadvantaged.

If you went to college:

Conservative…your academic pedigree is scrutinized.

Liberal…. your degree speaks for itself.

If you didn’t go to college:

Conservative…you are un-educated.

Liberal…you are an artist/activist.

If you own a business:

Conservative…you are a profiteer.

Liberal…you provide jobs to the community.

If you are working class:

Conservative…. you’re just a (insert job title or trade).

Liberal…you are a proletariat who finds strength in numbers.

If you believe in the wisdom of the constitution:

Conservative…you are narrow minded.

Liberal…you are a civil libertarian.

If you believe in individual freedoms:

Conservative…. you have made peace with inequality.

Liberal…. you are for choice.

If you take to the streets to voice your opinions:

Conservative…you are a thug.

Liberal…you are a demonstrator.

If you are religious:

Conservative…. you are a fundamentalist.

Liberal…you are spiritual.

If you are serving in the military:

Conservative…you are a mindless killer.

Liberal…you wear the uniform of your country.

If you are popular:

Conservative…. you have blind sheep followers.

Liberal…you are leading a movement.

If you are attractive:

Conservative…you are shallow and empty.

Liberal…you are stunning and a trend setter.

If you are un-attractive:

Conservative…you are just ugly.

Liberal…you are too intellectual to be concerned with your appearance.

If you enjoy an outdoors lifestyle:

Conservative…you are a hick.

Liberal…you are earthy.

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