At a recent event X (formerly Twitter) President Elon Musk spoke what is perhaps the critical truth of our time:
It is important to understand how evil works.
The one goal of evil, over all other goals, is to convince you that said evil does not exist, doubly so when it operates at scale. In fact, convincing people that what is going on is not evil is a prerequisite for its success. See a great example of this HERE.
This is also why the CIA coined and weaponized the accusation of “Conspiracy Theorist!”
Evil depends on your good nature to give evil the benefit of the doubt and this is why evil is so good at convincing good men to do nothing.
Dr. Eric Weinstein in his must-see conversation about Jeffery Epstein with Lex Fridman HERE (the video is restricted so you have to click this link to see it), explains how evil works at scale and explains how evil conspiracies operate.
The older Star Trek shows make this point repeatedly. In the clip below Dax tells Worf that he is the most honorable and decent man she knows, and if he will tolerate the evil of Chancellor Gowron, what hope is there for the Klingon Empire?
Ultimately this is how police state’s become police states: