This one aged like milk, didn't it? Listen Chuck, you are ill-informed on this subject by parties who are at best likewise ignorant, or in the worst case feeding you and those you know absolute lies. I've already mapped out the psychology you are suffering from here:


But we should be specific for you so you can better inform yourself and your audience. Always cite your sources, and always demand your sources be cited when grand claims are made so you don't look silly.

Here are SOME Patriot Front marches AFTER your claim of disbanding:

Herriman, Utah (Feb 1st): https://t.me/PatriotFrontUpdates/22560


Des Moines, Iowa (February 22nd): https://t.me/PatriotFrontUpdates/22559


Providence, Rhode Island (February 22nd): https://t.me/PatriotFrontUpdates/22554


Boston, Massachusetts (February 22nd): https://t.me/PatriotFrontUpdates/22553


Houston, Texas (February 22nd): https://t.me/PatriotFrontUpdates/22548


Manchester, New Hampshire (February 22nd): https://t.me/PatriotFrontUpdates/22543


Columbia, South Carolina (March 1st): https://t.me/PatriotFrontUpdates/22601


So you regurgitating the claim that Patriot Front disbanded is obviously, laughably incorrect. They are fully operational, and are presumed by everyone who actually does this research to continue being operational for the foreseeable future as of this writing.

This disbanding is a claim likewise repeated again on Joe Rogan just last Friday on the other side of the Kash Patel confirmation, with again no base to it, no evidence, with only the stamp of baseless rumor and scoffing accusation to back it up: (February 28th, ~ 3:09:00) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSOxPJD-VNo


And that SaltyCracker video you shared as your key citation starts with a clip of an encounter between Proud Boys and a small group called Rose City Nationalists. That's a completely independent group run by a guy who was actively rejected from Patriot Front years before that. Even more embarrassing is that incident occurred not this year, not last year, but back in June 25th 2023: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12234365/Proud-Boys-group-unmask-neo-Nazis-beat-American-flag-pole-Pride-parade-Oregon.html

Your confident ignorance here is laughable, Chuck. Absolutely clownish. I literally could go on, and have went on, about all the foolish claims made by these sorts that many people like yourself drink down without even checking the label. And why? Because some random bearded internet man garbles baseless claims into a bass-boosted mic with absolute confidence, or you just "hear it" through random postings repeating it from god-knows-where on social media.

And you, in turn, refuse to do even FUNDAMENTAL research of his own before hurling that undigested information right back up to your own readers. You just accept information without even questioning it so long as it is vomited down your throat by a red-hatted puppet. You know, the kind of uncritical, unthinking herd-mentality that characterizes the MSM thralls you undoubtedly look on with disdain?

Stop being led around by your nose and actually do some in-depth investigation yourself before parroting some prattling YouTuber or randos on Twitter. Realize your own biases, update your information sources, and always, ALWAYS, demand sources and do your own research before parroting the audacious claims of others.

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Well Norm. Thanks for letting us know that the astroturfers are back. Same gig different people ? Who knows.

You know, much like this just a little more sophisticated - https://www.businessinsider.com/lincoln-project-sends-fake-white-supremacists-to-virginia-gop-event-2021-10

And you do know that each one of the people in the photo linked above was identified.

Back to your favorite fake group - Same people ore not? No one really cares. The only clowns here that pay them any real mind are these obvious astroturfers and those like you Norman who promote them.

Also, while there were only a few sources reporting that they were disbanding, we did not repost it because we thought it was great hard news. I mean come on, Salty Cracker is one who satirizes the news for a living (your first clue eh?). We reposted it because it was funny and amusing.

No thinking people take Patriot Front seriously as they are just another rent-a-crowd. If we did, we might start to look into who pays for their high production value flags and such? Who pays for them to go all around the country and strut around like ducks? Of course, if we did that Norm, you might not have anything to report. Roaches scatter in sunlight.

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"It was all a joke, see? I wasn't serious at all!"

Certainly not. You are a clown after all, scrambling to not be taken seriously as you dash those goalposts far away from your embarrassment. Honk for me, clown.

You are certainly a clown because you fall right into exactly everything I describe about the Fed Jacketing mentality to a T. Even your aggressive inquiries I already covered a year ago! You didn't read a single one of those citations or links, because you enjoy wallowing in your self-serving ignorance. You don't even need to honk any more for me, I am already delighted!

So go ahead and investigate them. There are arrest records, names, faces, backgrounds, the funding patterns from 2021, all of it already out there. You wouldn't know of any of it of course, not being bothered to even nibble on what is outright spoon-fed to you, but it is already there and has been there for over half a decade.

You threatening to educate yourself is doubly unimpressive for me. Not only would you not find anything incriminating on those topics, but you won't even do the research even to save your own dignity. Clowns don't research, they dance and honk online.

Don't be a clown, Chuck. Do your own research, real research and not just lame attempts at gotchas already called out before they occurred to you. Write something after your own critical thinking. You know, they call that "Independent Thought". You'll get a new article out of it, your audience will enjoy more work from you, and you might just learn something useful and true.

But alas, you can only lead a clown to water, you can't make him stop honking and dancing. So it's up to you. Good luck. The citations are still there if you wanted a head-start.

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Norman, thank you for your juicy unhinged rant. I took a screen shot of it before you could come to your senses and delete/edit it.

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Be sure to put it on your refrigerator and tell all your friends! It's good stuff.

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Chuck, you are a laughable idiot. Your post has barely any likes. My post saying Patriot Front is the Future has around 40 likes and has been shared on multiple platforms.

Patriot Front is more popular than you. They aren't FEDs, they are real Americans helping other real Americans. What FED helps hurricane survivors? You fool.

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Now they’re acting as tesla and Elon haters on every platform

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I've got bad news for you. They are still marching. 6 demonstrations in the past week. They did not disband at all.

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Can you provide evidence? I am finding no evidence of it on social media.

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Their own telegram. They post super regularly. If anything they've been more active since trump got in office. PatriotFrontUpdates is the name. They are banned from musks "free speech" platform. You aren't even allowed to post their website on X.

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That's likely why you haven't heard much about it. I've seen members try to make X accounts and they get taken down very quickly. Their videographer in particular comes to mind.

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This isn't true at all. Norman Eckhart is 100% right. Patriot Front is the future.

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