Kari Lake trial judge reversed decades of case law to shut down her signature verification lawsuit.
The Judge did not dispute any facts Lake presented.
When the Arizona Supreme Court ordered a trial for Kari Lake’s signature verification claims, the trial judge, who has been using all of the pretzel legal trickery he can come up with to keep ruling against her in spite of overwhelming evidence, actually did exactly what was predicted on this very substack site weeks ago.
Any time a non-establishment candidate and/or independent/third party seeks to get on the ballot, they get certified by collecting signatures. It is no secret that the political authorities will look at each signature with a skeptical eye to toss out as many signatures as possible to keep smaller challengers off the ballot. This has been done in most every jurisdiction in the country for decades. The standard rule is that you will need three times the number of required signatures because the court will routinely throw 2/3rds of them out on signature verification grounds.
Now that Kari Lake is suing about the obvious lack of signature verification, which one Democrat expert witness says is about 10 percent of the ballots, which is 10 times the number of ballots Lake needs to win, the judge decided that just clicking through the signature verification screens as fast as someone can press the button is valid signature verification.
The judge did not dispute any of the facts Lake presented showing that the signature verification was a joke. Her evidence was indisputable.
Lake is appealing. Robert Barnes has details: