Oct 5, 2023Liked by Chuck Norton

An update from #politicalarena @ chucknorton on this post which makes ME wonder to the point of adding my personal “Opinion from a Sicilian”.

Opinion from a Sicilian: Kevin McCarthy è anche lontanamente americano? Il suo programma di lavoro è italiano; gli piacciono gli abiti costosi; Gli piace parlare con le mani e pensa che sia molto più facile fare affari che scrivere / digitare qualsiasi cosa. Gli piace prendersi il mese di agosto per "riflettere". Noi siciliani chiamiamo così Ferragusto.

The first incarnation of the August vacation was -not ironically- instituted by Caesar Augustus. The Roman emperor decided to link up the various festivities that took place throughout the month to create a longer period of rest from the year's labors. The tradition of feriae augusti dates back to 18 BC. Kevin must take this month VERY seriously because, well, it IS tradition after all. Kevin must have grafted in (because he is so spiritual) not only the remembrance of August 15th (Assumption of Mary into Heaven), but also because it’s TOO DARN HOT to wear a Saville Row suit for just a couple of hours each day! Those nasty dry cleaning bills in DC must be a pain! To ice the cake, Kevin has to make sure that the actual modern history of Ferragosto of present day is watered down.


The August desertion of the cities didn't really take hold until Fascism entered in. Mussolini had organized summer camps for families, called colonia estiva, where families could go to the sea or the mountains, participate in sports (and a bit of fascist indoctrination, of course).

#PoliticalArena @Chuck Norton

“Speaker McCarthy only had since he was elected Speaker to start the appropriations process proper. He put it off, scheduled 3- and 4-day work weeks, often with Congress working 2-5 hours a day. Then he ordered that Congress take the month of August off.”

Final Opinion From a Sicilian: The Former Speaker of the House failed to mention the fascist indoctrination of the former nice-guy (allegedly) Benito Mussolini and his dedication to Himself and to the people of Italia. Italia, (as well as a few parts of Europe) have mind-blowing sales during August, up to 75% off ALL luxury goods. Long live Capitalism! Tell them Kevin sent you! 😎

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Well said. Just like Jesse Watters demonstrated so well in the update on this piece I just posted, McCarthy let the swamp run wild.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Chuck Norton

What did the third pig build his house out of??? BRIC(K)S #wakeupidiotsofamerica

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Chuck Norton


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