Indiana AP Reporter Trolls for Negative Comments About Governor Daniels on Twitter
This is journalistic corruption on it's face.
This editor and communications consultant has no tolerance for this type of nonsense. I would advice all GOP communications directors to cut off Tom LoBianco immediately to all communication and invite him to no events whatsoever. While many elite media reporters are in the tank for the left, few are so nakedly open about it.
In fact, in a moment of weakness <GRIN> I sent him a few choice words on Twitter as well.
This is a great piece from Newsbusters and Tom Blumer deserves kudos for doing some great homework and tackling this in a light-hearted way.
Via Newsbusters:
Perhaps if LoBianco weren't so obsessed with finding naysayers, he might have noticed this embarrassing sequence in the dispatch he co-authored with reporter Tom Coyne (note the repetition in the first and fourth paragraphs presented at the AP's home site):
Okay, guys, we get it. There's a "perception." You and Margaret Ferguson seem to be the only ones who have it.
The loathsome LoBianco and Coyne burned an awful lot of bandwidth questioning Daniels's supposed lack of academic credentials. Hmm -- the three Democratic Party examples I'll name predate the Twitter era, but I wonder if AP reporters tried as hard to get negative feedback about Nebraska Senator Bob Kerrey when he became President of the New School in 2001, former HHS Secretary Donna Shalala when she took over at the University of Miami in Florida that same year, or former Senator David Boren when he got the CEO role at Oklahoma University in 1994?
Does anyone think there was similar skepticism about Boren's, Shalala's, or Kerrey's academic cred? Don't be silly. For Boren and Shalala (I was unable to find a Kerrey-related item quickly), the respective answers are: puff piece and puff piece.