FBI Perjured Itself Before Congress on Russiagate/Spying/Election Meddling. Sen. Graham and Rep. Nunes React
The FBI lied to Congress under oath, mislead Congress, lied to the courts and worked with foreign governments and the Clinton campaign to do it.
Sara Carter - Declassified Document Indicates FBI Misled Congress on Reliability of Steele Dossier
More willful blindness by the media on spying by Obama administration
"The media covered the original leak and the collusion narrative, despite mounting evidence that it was false. They filled hours of cable news shows and pages of print with a collusion story discredited by the FBI. Virtually none of these journalists or experts have acknowledged that the collusion leaks were proven false, let alone pursue the troubling implications of national security powers being used to target the political opponents of an administration."
Read more HERE.
Democrats' reaction after being proved wrong about Russian Collusion and all of it, which they knew was a lie from the beginning - Rep. Eric Swalwell says "They were right to do it." Watch Martha McCallum undress this clown HERE.