Famed Attorney Robert Gouveia Exposes CNN's Lies and Distortion During Trump Townhall Event (video)
It may come as a surprise to almost no one that CNN’s “moderator” and post analysis panel was as wildly dishonest as the rest of their Trump coverage.
CNN’s first question was about the 2020 election, and then CNN condemned Trump with the focus group panel in post analysis accusing him of not talking about 2024. The voters in the focus group called out CNN for that little stunt. CNN also accused Trump of not telling people on January 6th to be peaceful for three hours, but that was a lie. Trump was ready for it and brought a sheet of with a timeline of his statements and actions on January 6th.
CNN’s “fact checking” was one lie and distortion after another which became obvious to the live audience. The audience reactions turned against CNN’s highly hostile “moderator.” CNN’s behavior also raised the ire of famed attorney Robert Gouveia. Below is Gouveia’s meticulous fact check of CNN’s claims during the event and is worth every moment of your time.
CNN kept pushing the narrative that “Ukraine” has to “win the war” but Trump understands, as Robert Kennedy Jr. understands, that in the nuclear age the true enemy is war itself. There is no winner.
This point was also made brilliantly in the famed film Crimson Tide with Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington:
Great article and equally great vids!!!