The case for dismantling the FBI grows every week with a new revelation of illegal and/or abusive activity. The FBI, since its inception, has been repeatedly weaponized and used for illegal political purposes and the expense of protecting the American people.
This is far from the first time the Intelligence Community has been caught spying on Congress.
Just the News:
The FBI improperly used a controversial surveillance tool on a United States senator, as well as multiple state officials, court documents released Friday have revealed.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) secured an opinion from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) determined that the bureau made improper use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act's Section 702, a tool allowing for the warrantless surveillance of foreigners abroad.
The FISC opinion, according to The Hill, states that "in June 2022, an analyst conducted four queries of Section 702 information using the last names of a U.S. Senator and a state senator, without further limitation." The FISC opinion does not name the individuals in question.
It further stated that in October 2022, "a Staff Operations Specialist ran a query using the Social Security number of a state judge who “had complained to [the] FBI about alleged civil right violations perpetrated by a municipal chief of police."
Section 702 of the Act was adopted in 2008 and grants the Intelligence Community considerable powers to surveil foreign actors, though critics have contended that the tool has enabled improper surveillance of Americans.
In May of this year, a FISC filing determined that the FBI had improperly made use of the Section 702 database more than 278,000 times since it's creation. The database a vast library of information through which the intelligence community compiles to aid in seeking information on foreign intelligence. They may only access it under limited circumstances, however.
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